Faiz Ahmed Farooqui

Faiz Ahmed Farooqui

Associate Director of Engineering
Expert in Backend & Server Side Management.
The Most Amazing...

....Thing I've developed GA-WDIO (CLI tool) that creates, configures & runs the testing platform for Web, Mobile (iOS & Android) & API stacks.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Anything on Internet
  • Backend & Server Side Management
Backend Framework & Library
Laravel, Node.js, Express.js, FeathersJs, Koa
MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, Angular 2+, Bootstrap 4, AngularUI, JQuery, VueJS, Vuejs
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
Sublime Text, VS Code
CSS pre-processor
Web Server
Apache, Nginx
Cloud Services
Firebase, AWS S3
Testing Frameworks & Library
Mocha, Jest, PhantomJS
Testing Tools
State Management
Redux, React + MobX, React + Redux
User Interface Design
React Bootstrap
Mobile Framework & Library
React Native
A web app built in React-Meteor which provides a platform to share your sketch/design. The platform aims to bridge the gap between designer and developer by bringing both of them on the same platform. You can share your designs and code with your team under different access modes. You can showcase your designs and code with the public as well by toggling the Public Access option to enabled. You can also define the type of access given to your teams and workspace members by toggling Workspace Access to the respective selection. Inviting people to your design has also been made easy with the Invite a person button that lets you invite people using their e-mail IDs as well as share your design via a URL.
Technologies used- Meteor, React, MongoDB
A React Native application that has been designed to assist families and communities throughout the world to manage their lives and relationships in a safe, secure and private environment online. It is built with React Native, Native Base, Redux sentry, and react-native-video allow the user to view posted videos within the app.
Open Source project with more than 13,100+ stars on Github. Many mobile developers use NativeBase to ease their mobile app development and so we call it - "The missing piece of React Native!". It has 150k+ monthly downloads.
Parcel Monitoring and Printing Mobile App
Mobile app for users to monitor their parcel status, label printing, scanning barcodes, etc. Users can scan or enter their barcode to check their status and also print them from the store. Native programming has been used in this project for printing features in android and ios. The project is built in React Native.
Medicine E-commerce app
A React Native eCommerce app where users can buy medicines, subscribe to a package and apply for lab tests. It is built with react Native, Redux.
A Multi Tenant application for organisation management and communications
Portal to manage companies' progress contribution and all based on team, end-user. It is built with MYSQL, Expressjs, & React
Single platform for all your social networks
Web Application to create a single source for all social networks using React with Redux - Thunk and ExpressJs with Mongo. The users can share all their social links and share their You Social public profile.
Music social platform and marketplace
A music industry network and marketplace created using React with Thunk and Laravel with MySql and getstream.io
Food & Drink App
Get rewarded for your loyalty. Collect cashback and spend it the next time you visit your favorite bar!
Go Boilerplate
An API Server built using Golang and MySQL to achieve the Auth / CRUD logic.
Learning Go Programming
A learning source for Go programming language using easy to understand topics and clear concepts. It covers 46 topics that are crucial to learning Golang.
Parcel Delivery App
Docker powered versioning and secure deployment of a fully functional Parcel Delivery Service app for clients, that included parcel tracking, retrieval and plenty other features.
PDF Dossier & Meetings Service
A Flask based automated service which serves the purpose of generating multiple PDF dossiers for requested information on demand.
The project is based on AngularJS and Laravel. Its build for multiple roles (Super Admin, Photographer and Users).