Deepanshu Tiwari

Deepanshu Tiwari

Software Engineer III
I am Full Stack Developer, experienced in building responsive, user-friendly, accessible web and mobile applications using React, and React Native I have also interests in yoga and history.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, Created the CLI tool to create a hybrid app with different configs from a single codebase- base handled image manipulation, edit pod, Gradle, and other kinds of files via CLI, and created the CI/CD pipeline to run this CLI tool in the azure pipeline to generate app and deploy it in the play store and app store that helped client to create different hybrid apps for their different client with just single app config file.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Frontend Development
  • Open Source
  • Space
  • Indian History
  • Successfully completed the 16.5 hours of MERN Stack Front to Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js online course. Instructure: Brad Traversy
  • Completed front end web developer Bootcamp- 15 projects
MySQL, MongoDB
Backend Framework & Library
Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose
JavaScript, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Sublime Text, VS Code, IntelliJ
State Management
Redux, Redux (with Saga and Thunk)
User Interface Design
Mobile Framework & Library
React Native
Query Language
PlayStore, Heroku, Netlify, Railway App
Frontend Framework & Library
React, Web Pack 5
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Azure pipeline (with yaml)
A Hybrid Mobile App for Tenants
A mobile app for tenants to manage their rent, fill surveys, message, download docs, etc. This was a hybrid mobile app created using React Native, Redux Toolkit, and Redux Saga with the Native Base component library. It has biometric auth to log in, activate an account, log in/log out, Download/View pdf documents and fill surveys features. The tenant can pay their rent and message the landlord. I have also created the CLI tool to create a different app with this same code base for different clients with different configs. And created the CI/CD pipeline(Azure) for the app.
Tech Stacks: React Native, TypeScript, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Sage, Node JS, Azure CI/CD pipeline, XCode.
Cross Platform React Native Mobile Apps for Brokers and Builders
Two Mobile apps to handle the Brokers and Builders and their properties, Lead, tie-ups and subscriptions etc.
These 2 react native mobile apps works on IOS and Android, i have used the Gluestack-UI framework to build the ui of apps and graphql to handle the api calls. The Broker can use this app to handle his projects, leads , Tieups and subscriptions and alot of other things. And Builder can use its specific app to handle Brokers, tie-ups and subscriptions etc.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Expo, Expo-Eas, TypeScirpt, GraphQL, Gluestack-UI, React Hook Form.
A social media app for sharing images, with upload images, like/dislike, comment, and follow view profile functionality.
This is a web app made using React, Redux-Toolkit, Styled-Components and web pack 5 and I am storing user data/images in Firebase Storage and Database. It's a social media web app where users can create posts with captions and upload multiple images, like/dislike/save posts and make a comment on them, search for people, follow and unfollow people, see people's profiles with their following, and followers list, see people follow suggestion list.
Tech Stack: React, styled-components, Webpack 5, Material-icons, Firebase
An e-commerce platform for listing mobiles as sellers and buying them as buyers. This is a full stack e-commerce platform where the backend was created using NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB, and Front End was created using React, Redux, and styled-components and handled the authentication using JWTand login via google it has features like add-to-cart, place, and order, add your billing address, Seller and Admin dashboard, Sellers can add mobile with its images he can also update its details, admin can delete users and sellers. I have also integrated the Razorpay Payment gateway for payments.
Tech Stacks: React, Redux, Styled-Components, Firebase, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB
A web app to see movies and their details, and watch videos related to them. It's a web app created using React, Redux, and Styled Components. It consumes the moviedb api and lists movies, it has features like/dislike and save to watch later movies, watch movie's trailers/clips, create a new playlist and add movies in it, list movies according to the genre, and scroll down to fetch more movies, view movie details.
Tech Stacks: React, Redux, Firebase, Styled-Components